Friday, March 2, 2012

When is enough enough?

I was recently asked: How do you decide when you have enough information and it's time to execute on your plan?

My response is fairly straight forward:

When you find yourself reading the same thing over and over, doing the same thing over and over and not finding or accomplishing anything really new. And, when you begin to feel that enough is enough.

The trick is to NOT let yourself to be the biggest excuse for not putting your plan into action.

When researching a subject, there is always the temptation to do one more Google search, read one more journal article, watch one TED video on You Tube out of fear that you may have missed something. This is called, Paralysis by Analysis.

When preparing to give a speech, there is the temptation to do one more rehearsal, make one more modification in the wording, add or subtract a joke, make one more adjustment of the tie or hair. This is called Stage Fright.

When taking steps to implement the plan, there is that moment when you look at the competition and they look BIGGER, SMARTER, RICHER, BETTER CONNECTED, ETC. than you are and you want to crawl back into your shell. This is called Lack of Self Confidence.

All of these excuses are in your head and barriers of your own making.

 The first step in your plan should have been a realistic assessment of your particular strengths and weakness. If you put together a plan, then you should know this already. If these barriers were real, your plan would have shown you that. And you should have made a decision about what to do about it. This should address the Paralysis by Analysis issue

The second step in your plan should be to make a realistic assessment of the opportunities and threats the environment present to your idea or plan. You should have built your plan to take advantage of the opportunity and at the same time to prepare your defenses against the threats. This includes preparing an exit strategy. This should address the Stage Fright issue.

The third step is related to the first step, strengths and weaknesses. If you have done it well you have included an analysis of your competition and their strengths and weaknesses relative to you and one another. You will have found that they are "human" too. Your plan should include a strategy for exploiting their weaknesses and avoiding confrontation with their strengths. This should address the Self Confidence issue.

The point is to know that whatever your plan is, IT WILL NEVER BE PERFECT.

But you will know your ready when it is the BEST DAMN PLAN you can make today to deliver today. Strive for PERFECTION but deliver and accept EXCELLENCE.

And remember, a PLAN is only a road map toward your destination it can be changed and altered at anytime during the journey. YOU ARE IN CHARGE.


  1. Barry,
    I just read your "sole proprietor" description and I love it. I also think you are dead on with your advice here. I think if people learned how to rely as much on the brain in their guts as they do the brain in their heads, they would get more and more sensitive to what their own inner knowledge about "right action" was telling them.

    1. Dear Bev

      Thank you for the comment. It has taken me a long time and quite a few mistakes to learn the lessons I tried to present here. At times we are own worst enemy and that is the point I hope I made here. Again, thanks for your comment.
