Who is the Sole/Soul Proprietor?

You are!

You are born into this world alone, a unique combination of the DNA of your biological mother and father. Unless you are an identical twin, you are a unique copy of each of your parents but not either one. You have a unique life force -- a soul -- which sets you apart from everyone else who ever lived or will live. It is your responsibility to manage this life force during the time you have been given.

This blog is designed to explore the basic idea that as a sole/soul proprietor: YOUR LIFE IS YOUR BUSINESS AND YOUR BUSINESS IS YOUR LIFE.

By recognizing that you are the sole proprietor of your life, you can become the sovereign of your time on this planet. You are the one who is free to determine your own destiny regardless of what others may tell you. Only you know how you feel about your life. Only you know what you want from life. Your sovereignty rests on your determination to control the former and you ability to manage the latter. You can do this by taking full responsibility for your soul.

You become a Sole/Soul Proprietor when you make your life your business and your business your life.


You have heard the expression “There are only two certainties in life: Death, and Taxes
But did you know that there is a third certainty -- TIME.. In fact, TIME is the only certainty. TIME is eternal. It only goes in one direction --FORWARD. While Time goes on, Death is the end of your time. While taxes are inevitable, their cost is manageable.

While we can’t avoid these inevitable events, there are experts who can help us to deal with these certainties.

Your attorney will help you draw up a will.
Your priest, minister, or rabbi can help you draw up your funeral plans.
Your tax accountant can help you to draw up a tax avoidance or miniumization plan.
Your insurance agent can help you minimize the cost of a casualty loss and preserve your assets.

Are you covered?

If you are, maybe you feel that you have done your duty and can go on with your life.

If you’re not, then maybe you need to take some actions to insure that you have saved enough to survive a career set back or disaster or enough to enjoy your golden years. You need to take steps so that your death does not cause any additional hardships on your heirs; or that your lack of financial planning will cause your estate to pay more taxes that you are legally required to pay.

But before you start feeling too comfortable with your life, there is something you need to know.


When you were born, you were given the gift of life. But that gift is like a store gift card without any information about how much is on the card. Your life is the limited share of time on your gift card. Your gift card is your soul, your identity as a human being.

Your time comes at a price. That price is the tax you are required to pay in order to have a life. This tax are not just the money you pay to government. The tax is that portion of your time, your life, your soul, which you pay to others. It is the price you pay that enables you to use the remaining time to become yourself. The others are friends, family, employers, enemies, and the world at large, all who demand or lay claim to your time, your life, your soul.

These taxes are the inevitable the cost of living your life. The richness in your life comes from the personal satisfaction you gain from the time that is yours to spend as you please. It is the time that brings you the most happiness. Happiness is your profit from using your time as you see fit. Blessed is the individual who can turn his/her taxes into profit. As Benjamin Spock said,"Happiness is mostly a by-product of doing what makes us feel fulfilled."

Do you feel fulfilled? Would you like to?
Are you using your time in a fulfilling way, or are you just marking time by paying your taxes?


Do you know there is a specialist who can assist you in preparing and managing your limited life time? This is the business/life coach. The business/life coach helps you to take a wholistic look at your life and where you want to go. The business/life can help you to integrate the many demands on your time with the many desires you have for the quality of your time. That is, he or she can help you to mazimize your happiness by helping you to find a path to fulfillment in what you do.

Sole/Soul Proprietorship is designed specifically to present and discuss ideas and case studies that might help individuals who are starting out in life, facing a major life transition, or seeking an exit strategy from one life path to another. For further information please contact us and also sign on to follow us. We will have more to say on the subject of Sole/Soul Proprietorship in future posts. Also check out our other Blog Janus Life Coaching for more information about business and life coaching and how you might benefit from this service.