Monday, April 20, 2009

Who or What is the Sole Soul Proprietor

One who is willing and able to take responsibility for their own life by making their life their business


By taking full control of your soul.

You have heard the expression “There are only two certainties in life:

Death, and Taxes.

What are you doing to address and manage your exposure to these certainties? Have you made arrangements for these events? While we can’t avoid these inevitable events, there are experts who can help us to deal with these certainties.

Your attorney will help you draw up a will, and your priest, minister, or rabbi can help you draw up your funeral plans.

Your tax accountant can help you to draw up a tax avoidance plan.

Your insurance agent can help you minimize the cost of a casualty loss and preserve your assets.

Are you covered?

If you are, maybe you feel that you have done your duty and can go on with your life.

If you’re not, then maybe you need to take some actions to insure that your death does not cause any additional hardships on your heirs, or that your lack of financial planning will cause you to pay more taxes that you are legally required to pay.

But before you start feeling too comfortable with your life, there is something you need to know.

There is a third certainty -- Time.

Time is the ultimate certainty. It is the only certainty. Time is actually the underlying certainty of both death and taxes. The time’s certainty is simple and inevitable. It is eternal and it goes in only one direction. While Death is the end of your time, Time goes on.

Your limited share of time is your life. Time, your time, comes at a price. That price is the taxes you are required to pay in order to have a life. Taxes are not just the money you pay to government. Taxes are the portion of your time, your life, that you pay others that enables you to use the remaining time to become yourself. The others are friends, family, employers, enemies, and the world at large, who demand or lay claim to your time -- your soul.

Taxes are the inevitable the cost of living.

What are you doing to address and manage the certainty of your limited time?

Do you know there is a specialist who can assist you in preparing and managing your limited life time? This is the business/life coach. Well there are. This blog is written to help you understand:

1. Why a business/life coach is needed,

2. Who these specialists are,

3. How to identify them, and

4. What you might expect from engaging one.

In future installments I will be discussing aspects of becoming a sole proprietor of your soul.

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